What do I think of LGBT+ people?
Do you know anyone who is LGBT+? How do you feel about them? (Total 10 pages)
1.LGBT+ people make me nervous.
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
2.LGBT+ people deserve what they get. 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
3.Marriage between homosexual individuals is acceptable.
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
4.It would not upset me if I learned that a close friend was homosexual. 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
5.Homosexuality is immoral. 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
6.I feel that you cannot trust a person who is homosexual. 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
7.I fear homosexual persons will make sexual advances towards me.
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
8.Organisations which promote LGBT+ rights are necessary.
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
9.It does not bother me to see two homosexual people together in public. 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree
10.When I see a gay person I think, “What a waste.” 
StronglyAgree Agree NeitherAgreeNorDisagree Disagree StronglyDisagree

